Last updated: 2016-03-25 Introduction Natural Supercavitation History Hans Reichardt Cavitation Laws Schwartzkopff P11 More Projects Schwartzkopff-Gun Hydrodynamic Paradox Controllability SSP-1 and APS Shkval torpedo UnderwaterExpress JulietMarineGhost Cavitating PrototypeSubmarine High speed underwater Drive problems High speed cavitating vessels The bow of cavitating vessels Höchstgeschwindigkeit Chinesisches Überschall-Uboot Dragreduction in materials Superkavitation an Land und in Luft Windkanalversuch In Arbeit Literature Supplement Imprint |
![]() This website is dedicated to Hans Reichardt, the discoverer of the laws of cavitation bubbles, the father of supercavitation. New chapters or changed ones are red marked. Document demonstrating Hans Reichart being the first to propose a 190-Knots-Rocket-Torpedo in 1943. Document You want to know what the phrase "supercavitation" refers to? You want to know the physics of supercavitation? You are interested in the history of supercavitation? You want to know how does the Russian Schkval torpedo? You do not believe that you can increase tenfold the speed of a submarine? You are technically skilled and want to develop yourself underwater running vehicles?
You want to get an idea about the possible transport of the future? I will answer your questions, communicate my own experiences and work, the necessary physics and my views on future development options. more |